There should be an even number of entries after splitting the value using a","( comma) as the delimiter. 在用“,”(逗号)作为分隔符分隔此值后,项的数目应该为偶数。
A valid custom delimiter must have an even number of hexadecimal digits. 有效的自定义分隔符必须具有偶数个十六进制数字。
The sum of any two elements has an even number of prime factors. 其中任何两个元素之和有偶数个素因子。
Since this is an even number of holes, a parity hole would be added. 因为这是一个偶数的孔,孔平价将增加。
And basing upon the study, to more probe into the symbolistic meaning of the form of odd number and even number in ancient times sacrificial culture. 特别是数字的奇偶形式,其于古老的阴阳观念作用下,在上古祭祀文化中具有系统的象征意义。
Because you passed an even number, the test passes. 由于您传递的是偶数,因此测试通过。
Since there's an even number of us we can work in pairs. 我们人数为偶数,所以可以配成对干活。
The sum of all the degree is 24, an even number, which is twice the number of edges. 所有次数的和是24,是个偶数,它是边数的两倍。
The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective right service courts when the server has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game. 当发球方未得分或得分为偶数分时,双方球员应在本方场地的右发球区发球和接发球。
Hex data must have an even number of digits in order to be byte aligned 为进行字节对齐,十六进制数据的位数必须为偶数
If one shuttle box is used on one side of the loom ( say 4~ 1), then the number of picks used from any color has to be an even number. 如果在织机的一侧有一个梭箱(例如4×1),任何颜色的纬纱的连续引纬数必须为偶数。
If a rectangle can be covered using these tiles then covering uses an even number of tiles. 如果一个矩形可用这种瓷砖盖住,那么所有的瓷砖一定是偶数。
If the imaginary line crosses an even number of boundary lines, the area can either be filled or not filled. 如果想象的线交叉过一条偶数的边界线,那么该区域可以是已填充的或未填充的。
However, quite a few others, especially those in the countryside, would probably ask a fortune-teller for a lucky date ( usually an even number) so that their marriage would have "Double Happiness". 不过,有一些人,尤其是乡下人很有可能请算命先生挑个结婚的吉日(常是双日子)这样就是双喜临门了。
One more than any odd number is an even number. 比任何一个奇数大一的数是偶数。
Placental mammal having hooves with an even number of functional toes on each foot. 每只脚上有偶数个起作用脚趾的有胎盘的哺乳动物。
Mr. Adams was very proud of the vault and insisted that everyone should inspect it. Annie: This year is happen to be an even number year. We are lucky to see something rare. 亚当斯先生对这个地下室非常自豪,一定要每个人都来饱饱眼福。安妮:今年正好是偶数年,我们还有幸一饱眼福。
The peaches in his paintings are always in even number, meaning that good things always come in double. 寿桃的数量也是画双不画单,包含了好事成双的寓意。
The height and width of the video must be each be an even number unless you are using the screen codec. 除非正在使用屏幕编解码器,否则视频高度和宽度值都必须为偶数。
However, one can find such a pair of prime numbers, if any, for a given even number. 但是,如果对于给定的一个偶数,存在这样一对素数的话,人们是可以找到的。
The problem here is to write a program that reports the number of all the pairs of prime numbers satisfying the condition in the conjecture for a given even number. 我们的要求是编写一个程序,对于给定的一个偶数,计算出存在多少对素数满足这个猜想。
But if you roll an even number while adjacent to the peppermint forest. 但是如果你摇到了偶数,走到薄荷森林这个点。
Usually an even number of spindles, woven ribbon for the tubular, spindle number is odd, woven ribbon for the flat sheet. 通常锭数为偶数,织成带子为管状,锭数为奇数,织成的带子为扁片状。
Everyone whose social security number ends in an even number, step forward, please. 社会安全号码以偶数结尾的请向前一步。
Any Greater Even Number Can Be Expressed as the Sum of Two Odd Prime Numbers 任意大偶数可表为两个奇素数之和
All the examples of MFC known up to now have even number of strong components. 迄今为止的所有已知的MFC都恰好含有偶数个强连通分支。
The number of ranks of the reduced Temporal-Matrix might not be an even number; △算法中输入的矩阵是化简后的矩阵,它的行列数目不一定是偶数;
Even number stab wound points were 16 ( 9.0%). 偶数刺伤点为16例,占9-0%;
In order to more close to actual electrical signals, joining the even number harmonics and random noise also. 为了更接近实际电网信号,还加入了偶数次谐波和随机噪声。